The diversity of this year's program and the opening of the Art Centre are the main characteristics of the Festival's new beginning of sorts, of its insisting on its own redefining and expanding of the boundaries of dance.
Program of the 11th Dance and
Non-Verbal Theatre Festival
10:00 school - Workshop for professional dancers held by Lipi Hernández Andrés, 23. - 27. July
21:15 Free Style Kings, break dance show, Croatia
21:45 UTF-8, Zagreb dance company, Croatia
23:00 PEDESTRIAN ZONE, Branko potocan, Slovenia
21:00 MANIPULAR, interactive installation, BCCA, Italy
22:00 MYRRH AND CINNAMON, Bitef teatar & Bitef Dance Company, Serbia
23:00 LEAGUE OF TIME, BADco, Croatia
21:00 ANIPULAR, interactive installation, BCAA, Italy
22:00 DESIRE, Transit dansa, Spain
23:00 Screening dance films by Liliana Resnick and Mario Papic
21:30 RENDEVOUS, Dance company MASA and Zagreb Dance Company, Croatia
22:00 10 MINUTES:EAST, En-KNAP Company, Slovenia
23:00 COURS, JOHNNY, COURS, Wazovol, Belgium
21:00 "Carlotta Grisi: La Prima Giselle" book promotion by Maja Đurinović, Croatia
21:30 COURS, JOHNNY, COURS, Wazovol, Belgium
22:30 DREAME, Henrik Kaalund, Germany