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Kroatische Zentrale für Tourismus
Association of Croatian Travel Agencies
Tourismusverband Istrien
Istrian Quality
Region of Istria

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Februar 2013.

Hotel Kvarner, OpatijaSamstag, 23.2.2013. 20:00
Opatija Fight Night 5

Crystal Hall of Hotel Kvarner in Opatija 23rd February will host an international martial arts spectacle - the most powerful martial event that ever took place in this area.

mehr »Hinzugefügt: 14.02.2013 19:41
Erinnerungs Haus Pazin, PazinFreitag, 22.2.2013. - 23.2.2013.
Honey Days

Honey Days: 22.02.2013 - 23.02.2013
Pazin, Spomen dom (Memorial centre)
8th international sales exhibition of bee-keeping equipment, products and conference

mehr »Hinzugefügt: 05.01.2013 16:00
Mošćenička DragaMittwoch, 13.2.2013. 17:30
Burning of the carnivals mascot in Mošćenička Draga

The traditional burning of the carnival doll takes place on Ash Wednesday. In Mošćenička Draga which is celebrating this event for the 37th year, the famous Gobo – the character guilty for everything - will be once again put into a rocket and launched into space!

mehr »Hinzugefügt: 07.01.2013 11:51
MatuljiSamstag, 9.2.2013. 13:00 - 18:00
18th Bell – ringers Festival Matulji

At the festival each year participate more than 1,500 participants and several thousand visitors. Festival starts at 13.00 with a parade of kindergarten Matulji and other carnival groups from Matulji, and then around 13:30 starts the Review of bell- ringers from Croatia and abroad.

mehr »Hinzugefügt: 07.01.2013 11:45
OpatijaSonntag, 3.2.2013. 10:00 - 14:00

Opatijan Balinjerada 2013. celebrates its 30th Jubilee. The event takes place on the main street from the hotel "Bristol" to Slatina. As in any real race rehearsals begin in 10.00 o'clock, and the main race at noon.

mehr »Hinzugefügt: 02.01.2013 19:40
Sonntag, 3.2.2013. - 10.2.2013.
Istria Winter Cup

3rd edition of the football tournament Istria Winter Cup, scheduled over a 7-day period in Novigrad and Umag, while the Sunday Finals will be held in Novigrad. Since the tournament is held during winter preparations, it is an ideal opportunity for teams to test their strengths.

mehr »Hinzugefügt: 05.01.2013 15:53
Freitag, 1.2.2013. - 23.3.2013.
Days of seashells in NW Istria

Umag, Novigrad, Buje, Brtonigla
Gurmands will have an opportunity to savour delicious sea morsels at the first Days of seashells.

mehr »Hinzugefügt: 05.01.2013 15:34
Freitag, 1.2.2013. - 21.3.2013.
Wellness Moments

In the period between 1st February and 21st March the Northwestern Istria is just what you need! The Wellness Moments are offering you an excellent opportunity to experience all advantages of relaxation in modern wellness centres in Umag and Novigrad.

mehr »Hinzugefügt: 05.01.2013 15:37
45 Besucher online
22.399.290 Besucher
von 25. Mai 2008.
Istra (Istria) - Town Fairs

Istra (Istria) - Town FairsIstra (Istria) has a centuries-old tradition of trade fairs which Istrian towns keep alive. Fairs are places where people trade, meet, communicate, have fun as always…

Bale, Barban – 2nd Saturday
Buzet – 1st Friday and 3rd Thursday
Labin – 3rd Wednsday
Motovun – 3rd Monday
Pazin – 1st Tuesday
Svetvinčenat – 3rd Saturday
Višnjan - 1st Thursday
Vodnjan – 1st Saturday
Žminj - 2nd Wednesday and St. Bartol's Fair – last Saturday in August
Pula – every Saturday in Ciscutti St. the fair of antiquities, numismatics and collectibles
Tel:+385 51 272 222
Fax:+385 51 740 027
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