Montag, 31. März 2025 :: 18:22
Kroatische Zentrale für Tourismus
Association of Croatian Travel Agencies
Tourismusverband Istrien
Istrian Quality
Region of Istria

Veranstaltungen Archiv

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April 2017.

OpatijaSamstag, 29.4.2017. - 30.4.2017.
MARKOVA – Srednjovjekovni Veprinac

mehr »Hinzugefügt: 11.04.2017 19:09
OpatijaSamstag, 29.4.2017.
Kazališna predstava za djecu: Hrabri mornar

mehr »Hinzugefügt: 11.04.2017 19:12
OpatijaFreitag, 28.4.2017.
VATRA u Opatiji! / besplatan ulaz

Besplatnim koncertom Vatre otvara se najveći disco klub na Kvarneru

Opatija koncem ovog mjeseca postaje bogatija za Kulturno-turistički centar “Gervais” u kojem će se održavati brojne manifestacije, a posebno je zanimljivo što se u prizemlju nalazi veliki prostor namijenjen prvenstveno održavanju klupskih koncerata u koji stane čak nešto više od tisuću posjetitelja.

mehr »Hinzugefügt: 19.04.2017 22:35
Hotel Milenij, OpatijaMontag, 24.4.2017. - 27.4.2017.
IMTJ Medical Travel Summit

The IMTJ Summit is a high level event aimed at senior decision makers involved in the medical tourism and international patient market. There are many conferences and congresses that have grown up around the industry; most have failed to deliver the content that delegates want and to address the major issues that face the industry.

mehr »Hinzugefügt: 04.09.2016 17:56
OpatijaSamstag, 22.4.2017.
Tour of Croatia, 5. etapa biciklističke utrke

Biciklistička utrka Tour of Croatia održat će se treću godinu zaredom, od 18. do 23. travnja 2017. godine, kroz šest etapa, na trasi dužoj od 1000 kilometara kroz cijeli teritorij Republike Hrvatske.

mehr »Hinzugefügt: 11.04.2017 19:19
OpatijaFreitag, 21.4.2017. - 23.4.2017.
International Choral Festival - We Are Singing Adriatic Croatia & Slovenia

Non-competitive festival for all kinds of choirs with many concerts and common singing.
Individual choirs concerts in venues in and around the of Opatija, sight-seeing trips and activities for visiting choirs.

mehr »Hinzugefügt: 30.01.2017 12:03
OpatijaDienstag, 18.4.2017. - 23.4.2017.
FEN 2017., Festival of independent theatres Croatia

Festival of Independent Theatre is the national theater festival at which gathers more than a hundred top actors, directors and other theater professionals from all over the Croatia. The program of the event is the result of careful selection of the best materials on the basis of a public tender in which regularly reports several interested theaters. During the six days, takes place twenty performances for all ages, and a series of side events such as workshops, lectures and exhibitions.

mehr »Hinzugefügt: 28.02.2017 13:48
OpatijaSamstag, 15.4.2017. - 17.4.2017.
Easter in Opatija

Saturday, April 15, 2017.
Nordic walking through the history of this town, Villa Angiolina, 10:00 am

Sunday, April 16, 2017.
Easter concert, 12:00

Monday, April 17, 2017.
Easter breakfast and a big egg hunt, Park Angiolina, 11:00 am
Exhibition of classic cars, pool Angiolina, 10:00 to 13:00 h

mehr »Hinzugefügt: 28.02.2017 13:46
OpatijaDonnerstag, 13.4.2017. - 17.4.2017.
Velika noč v Opatiji

mehr »Hinzugefügt: 11.04.2017 19:15
Slatina, OpatijaDienstag, 11.4.2017. - 14.4.2017.
Fiori e Odori

- cvijeće i ukrasno bilje, balkonsko cvijeće, ljetnice, lončanice, trajnice, kaktusi, sukulenti

mehr »Hinzugefügt: 11.04.2017 19:05
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45 Besucher online
22.399.291 Besucher
von 25. Mai 2008.
Istra (Istria) - Town Fairs

Istra (Istria) - Town FairsIstra (Istria) has a centuries-old tradition of trade fairs which Istrian towns keep alive. Fairs are places where people trade, meet, communicate, have fun as always…

Bale, Barban – 2nd Saturday
Buzet – 1st Friday and 3rd Thursday
Labin – 3rd Wednsday
Motovun – 3rd Monday
Pazin – 1st Tuesday
Svetvinčenat – 3rd Saturday
Višnjan - 1st Thursday
Vodnjan – 1st Saturday
Žminj - 2nd Wednesday and St. Bartol's Fair – last Saturday in August
Pula – every Saturday in Ciscutti St. the fair of antiquities, numismatics and collectibles
Tel:+385 51 272 222
Fax:+385 51 740 027
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