Saturday, 29. March 2025 :: 03:43
Croatian National Tourist Board
Association of Croatian Travel Agencies
Istria Tourist Board
Istrian Quality
Region of Istria


Heart-shaped peninsula has two kinds of soil, one intensely red in the coastal region and other gray, clayish, in the central part. Truffle grows just in that gray soil, in humid Motovun forest, close to river Mirna. The truffles’ zone extends further northward to Lanisce, then by river Rasa to the southeast towards Labin, and to the south to town Pazin. Town Buzet is known as “City of Truffles”.
It is strange, mystical and under the ground hidden tuber. There are no visible parts and man can only find it with the help of specially trained dogs, and pigs!
Istrian white truffle is one of most sought in the world, ripens in autumn and it is best to be eaten immediately, freshly found, in its original environment of small inns and renowned restaurants. In its vicinity, on the hills along the river Mirna grows black truffle, as well as other subspecies of white truffles that are consumed in winter and summer. There are about 70 species of truffles in the world, of which 34 in Europe. Istria is the habitat of the great white truffles, the famous "Tuber magnatum Picolo", and three kinds of groups of black truffles, which can be consumed throughout the year.
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