Events Archive Events Filter Category: Exhibition Fair Music Theatre
City: Buzet Labin Pazin Poreč Pula Vodnjan
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January 2009.
3rd Round of Istrian winter league in the running, will be held on Sunday, January 11th at 11am in Cerovlje. This round doesn't brings points for the Cup, therefore there is no fee. Track: 5.5 km length of which 2 km of asphalt and other macadam, forest roads and trails and hills with beautiful views. For all the participants provided lunch, water, fruit and hot tea! Gathering in the tavern Štacion! See you on Sunday!
Every Saturday in the town centre the Numismatic Society of Pula organizes, for the 10th consecutive year, the fair of antiquities, numismatics and collectibles. There you can buy and also offer, or simply just take a look at fine arts pieces, old furniture, old postcards and phone cards, money, medals, plaques and decorations, coins, badges, securities, shares and obligations, loans, watches and other kinds of collecting materials. Place: Ciscuttijeva ulica (Street)
Dj Peers - E.B. King - Dulash Der Dj - Ticket: 20kn.
Large Hall: DISCO TRASH PARTY of Club Uljanik Smaller Hall: THE BEST OF POP/ROCK MUSIC DJ Goran & DJ Zlajo and music by Modern Talking, Corona, Village People, Mr President, Scatman, Spice Girls, Samantha Fox, Sabrina Salerno, Rednex, Kylie Minogue, Abba, Boney M, Right Said Fred, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, ET, Senna M... Do not miss the first Disco Trash Party in 2009 in the famous Istrian Club!
Concert of German indie band Pull A Star Trip and their friendly duo Alex Amsterdam in "Jazz Tunnel". PULL A STAR TRIP, is based around the songwriter duo Steffen Kelle and Bartholomäus Rymek put out the very well received EP "Hooking up with Hope..." and the album "An Internship In Optimism" that was distributed by the honorable hardcore label Revelation Records from California.
The concert entitled "Young Bands" organized by the Association Studio 52215 begins at 20:00 in the Youth Club, Vodnjan. Perform musicians from Vodnjan and surroundings: Slide Field, DEM Crew, Trashville and Recess. Free entrance.
The exhibition "Space sights" in MMC Atelier, Pores, Istra (ISTRIA) is dedicated to the International astronomical year 2009, organized by Atelier and Observatory Visnjan - by choice of Korado Korlević. Large format photos show, according to the selector, a few very important moments in astronomy, the first picture from the Mars that prove the presence of water (of life), photographs of creating stars, cross-spectrum sun's rays, and very attractive photos from deep space. You can see the exhibition every day from 08-24 to 5th the February in mmc Atelier. After Poreč exhibition "moves" continue throughout the whole of this year.
In the Church of St. Francis in Pula on the day of Epiphany, January the 6th at 6 PM will be held thanksgiving Mass and a concert "Three kings were riding ...." with Bruno Krajcar and "Kerubini." Admission is free.
Pula Tuesday, 6.1.2009. - 9.1.2009. From 6th to 9th of January in Pula will take place the International Football Tournament ICI Pula 2009 for age groups U12 i U14. Football Fields: SC Valkane, SC Banjole, Veli vrh, Fažana Organizer: FC Istracement international Pula.
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Istra (Istria) - Town Fairs
Istra (Istria) has a centuries-old tradition of trade fairs which Istrian towns keep alive. Fairs are places where people trade, meet, communicate, have fun as always…
Bale, Barban – 2nd Saturday
Buzet – 1st Friday and 3rd Thursday
Labin – 3rd Wednsday
Svetvinčenat – 3rd Saturday
Višnjan - 1st Thursday
Žminj - 2nd Wednesday and St. Bartol's Fair – last Saturday in August
Pula – every Saturday in Ciscutti St. the fair of antiquities, numismatics and collectibles