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Croatian National Tourist Board
Association of Croatian Travel Agencies
Istria Tourist Board
Istrian Quality
Region of Istria

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July 2017.

VoloskoFriday, 28.7.2017.
Klape va Mandraće


Read More »Added: 12.04.2017 10:07
OpatijaSaturday, 22.7.2017. - 23.7.2017.
Koncert: Svjetski zbor mladih

Centar Gervais | 22.7.2017.

Read More »Added: 26.06.2017 11:12
OpatijaSaturday, 15.7.2017.
Opatija - Imperial City, stage spectacle

The Lumiere brothers who are in Opatija recorded movies, Isadora Duncan, who danced inspired by the flashing the wind Opatija's palm trees, Empress Sissy that officially never been in Opatija, but "unofficially" by its villas hidden in society lovers and many other celebrities from history this place again "come alive" in mid-July thanks to the theatrical music event "Opatija - the Imperial city" for which the whole city becomes a stage for a fantastic spectacle that gathers thousands of visitors. During this event, tourists can learn about the history of Opatija, explore the hidden secrets of its history, check why this city has become and remained a favorite destination of world famous personalities, but also feel the spirit of the times in which he began the ascent of Opatija on the throne of European tourism. The event "Opatija - imperial city" will be held throughout the whole area of ??the city center, along the main street, promenade, beautiful parks and impressive villas.

Read More »Added: 28.02.2017 13:57
UčkaSaturday, 15.7.2017. - 16.7.2017.
Intercars Učka 2017., auto utrka

Formula driver je disciplina koja se prvi put pojavila u Hrvatskoj 2014. godine i privukla veliki broj vozača upravo zbog svoje koncepcije. Naime, vrlo je pogodna za sve profile vozača, od početnika pa do iskusnih slalomaša, brdaša i relijaša pa stoga i ne čudi da se redovito na startu nađe preko stotinu vozača.

Osim službenog dijela utrke biti će organizirane nagradne igre i promotivne vožnje pa će se oni najhrabriji gledatelji moći okušati kao suvozači našim najboljim vozačima.
Učka | 15. - 16.07.2017.

Read More »Added: 12.04.2017 10:05
VoloskoFriday, 14.7.2017. - 15.7.2017.
Vološćanska noć: The Night Express

Volosko | 14.7.2017.

Read More »Added: 26.06.2017 11:09
Hotel Milenij, OpatijaThursday, 13.7.2017. - 10.8.2017.
Music by the Sea - glazbeni programi hotela Milenij

Ciklus ovogodišnjih gala koncerata počinje 13.07. koncertom 'Od baroka do rocka'. Program je koncipiran kao klapska interpretacija glazbenog putovanja od baroka do rocka, a uz Klapu Niko nastupaju Davor Pekota, Ivan Županović i trenutno najperspektivnija naša operna pjevačica Nela Šarić. Na repertoaru će se tako naći sve od 'The rivers of dreams', preko dalmatinskih klasika poput 'Moja posljednja i prva ljubavi' pa do 'O mio babino caro'.

Read More »Added: 31.05.2017 10:37
OpatijaWednesday, 12.7.2017. - 13.7.2017.
60 godina Ljetne pozornice: Titanic

Povodom obilježavanja 60. obljetnice Ljetne pozornice, svjetlima projektora ponovo ćemo obasjati kino platno velike Ljetne pozornice i to scenama iz američke romantične drame Jamesa Camerona iz 1997., TITANIC, jednog od najposjećenijih filmova zlatnog doba filmova na Ljetnoj.

Ljetna pozornica Opatija | 12.7.2017.

Read More »Added: 26.06.2017 11:07
VeprinacSaturday, 8.7.2017.
Večer klapa va Leprince

Veprinac | 8.7.2017.

Read More »Added: 12.04.2017 10:01
OpatijaFriday, 7.7.2017. - 9.7.2017.
Liburnia Jazz Festival

Liburnia Jazz Festival has been the reference point of Croatian and European jazz, since the audience as usually the first weekend in srpna represents the established names in jazz music, musicians, who gained worldwide fame or young and promising artists whose talent has yet to become internationally recognized. During the festival, jazz music can be heard from almost every terrace, but also from the sea since the Opatija waters then navigates the popular "Jazz Boat". The highlight of each day takes place on the summer stage, where performances main festival stars.

Read More »Added: 28.02.2017 13:56
OpatijaFriday, 7.7.2017. - 8.7.2017.
Great Gatsby Night

Jedinstven ugođaj glamura i zabave popraćen detaljima iz burnih dvadesetih prošloga stoljeća biti će oživljen na raskošno uređenom trgu hotela Royal! Dovoljna je samo jedna vožnja oltimerom, nekoliko nota izvrsnih BIG BANDA, JAZZ TRIA i DJ-a, pogled na luku i svjetlucavi grad u daljini, zanosne plesačice u charleston kostimima, smokinzi, perlice, kristali i perje - sve će vas to odvesti u vrijeme zabava kakvim nikada prisustvovali niste i u ritmu glazbe Vam poručiti kako malo zabave nikoga ubilo nije.

Read More »Added: 26.06.2017 11:04
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Istra (Istria) - Town Fairs

Istra (Istria) - Town FairsIstra (Istria) has a centuries-old tradition of trade fairs which Istrian towns keep alive. Fairs are places where people trade, meet, communicate, have fun as always…

Bale, Barban – 2nd Saturday
Buzet – 1st Friday and 3rd Thursday
Labin – 3rd Wednsday
Motovun – 3rd Monday
Pazin – 1st Tuesday
Svetvinčenat – 3rd Saturday
Višnjan - 1st Thursday
Vodnjan – 1st Saturday
Žminj - 2nd Wednesday and St. Bartol's Fair – last Saturday in August
Pula – every Saturday in Ciscutti St. the fair of antiquities, numismatics and collectibles
Tel:+385 51 272 222
Fax:+385 51 740 027
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