Istrian tumuli are more then 4000 years old. There are about 400 castles and forts from the Bronze and Iron Age in Istria. In the immediate hinterland of Porec, in the area between Valkarin, Dracevac and Fuškulin, are nearly a dozen identical hills, all about hundred meters high. You will not find them on the travel maps, the global importance of these hills has been known only to a small number of experts, mostly archeologists.
All of these hills have in common flat tops and are recognized as a place of the prehistoric ruins. Two series of hills, Picugi (with visible traces the step pyramid shape) and Mordele, "compound" in a formation similar to the formation of stars in the Orion constellation, the same formation which faithfully followed the pyramid builders in ancient Egypt and many other ancient sites. Therefore the name Istrian Stonehenge which had most probable function of the orientation in time and space, tracking cosmic changes, and determination of beginning and end of the seasons.
Maklavun Tholos - 207 Meters altitude. Cairn like remains with Dromos entrance way and grave. Probably had a corbelled roof, like Newgrange, now lost. Site is seriously threatened by quarry systematically consuming the hill around it.