Cape Kamenjak (Premantura’s peninsula, Punta) is the southernmost point of Istria, close to the 11 islands, islets and shallows of Medulin archipelago. There are plenty of rocky beaches, as well as pebbled ones in numerous coves. Cape Kamenjak is a protected landscape 9.5 km long, 1.5 km wide, with 591 plant species, 35 on the list of endangered species in Croatia. There live some special birds and sea species.
On Cape Kamenjak around forty protected types of orchid can be found. Among these are two kinds of endemic plants: Serapias istriaca Perko and Serapias x pulae Perko.
On the magical peninsula is also the largest population of the smallest orchid: Ophrys bombyliflora. The cape offers plenty of opportunities for diving and windsurfing as well as following bike trails and walking routes on land.