Friday, 28. March 2025 :: 21:12
Croatian National Tourist Board
Association of Croatian Travel Agencies
Istria Tourist Board
Istrian Quality
Region of Istria

Motovun Forest

Motovun Forest stretches along the valley of the River Mirna and represents the last remnant of native forest of humid lowlands called "longoze". There are only three sites of such forests in the world. It is the forest of the red oak, common hornbeam, narrowleaf ash, lowland elm, and many climbing plants (traveler's joy, wild grape, ivy…), and there lives very rare brown frog - Rana latastei. It covers a 900-ha area in the fluvial plain of the Mirna River.
Motovun forest inspired the famous Croatian author, Vladimir Nazor, to write his allegorical novel, 'Veli Jože' (Big John). And...It is the habitat of the largest and most prized of all truffles – the white truffle.
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