Saturday, 29. March 2025 :: 03:43
Croatian National Tourist Board
Association of Croatian Travel Agencies
Istria Tourist Board
Istrian Quality
Region of Istria

Istrian Soup

From the distant past Istrian supa has been a specialty at the Istrian table.
Recipe: 9 dl of warmed up red wine - Teran or Borgonja, are poured into the bukaleta, usually an earthenware jug. Then a teaspoon of sugar, olive oil, pepper and warm, toasted bread are added to the wine. A spoon is placed in the jug and it is served to the guests, who if they wish may drink it in the traditional friendly Istrian way - by sharing the bukaleta with others at the table.
P.S. The word "soup" came from the words "supati" - to soak bread in wine.
There is a saying: "The soup took all the wine and made me drunk!"
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