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30th Anniversary of Choir "Roženice" : "OUR THIRTY"

Saturday, 21.2.2009. 20:00Memorial Centre Pazin, Pazin

30th Anniversary of Choir "Roženice" : "OUR THIRTY"Mixed Choir Rozenice celebrates its 30th anniversary in Pazin, Istra ( Istria )
"Our Thirty". Guests - Folk Society Pazin.

Choir "Roženice" (it"s name derives from an ancient istrian musical instrument) was founded the 14. March 1979. in Pazin, Istra (Istria, Croatia). Since the beginning up to the end of 2002., the Choir master was maestro Nello Milotti. As a good profesor, Maestro Milotti gave the oportunity to conduct the Choir to young prof. Ines Kovačić, wich leads the Choir since the begining of 2003.

Choir "Roženice" performs various types of choral music, with or without being accompanied by piano or other instruments, of Croatian and foreign music authors for chorus, performing in various languages: German, Spanish, Italian, English, Russian, Latin and Croatian. Particularly, choir performs pieces based on a particular istrian scale, unique worldwide, which inspired maestro Nello Milotti to write many pieces for the Choir. The number of pieces performed since 1979. is ower 350.

The characteristics of the first then years of the activities are: many performances on various concerts and national choir contests organized in various cities all over Croatia (Poreč, Rijeka, Zadar, Zagreb, Osijek, Vrbovec). The number of performances per year varies from 15 to 20.

The year 1988. is particularly significant for the choirs first performance abroad - Biella, Italy - where choir took part in an international concert organized by the mail choir Pietro Mica. Since than, choir performed other 10 times in various cities of northern Italy (Sidilis di Tarcento, Negrar, Ponte di Piave, Padova, Monastier di Treviso, an others). Unforgetable was the experience and the performance during choir"s four visits (1991., 1995., 1999, 2002.) to their friends, of the choir of Lembek (Münsterland, Germany).

As we ware invited by our friends to visit and perform in various cities in Croatia, Italy, Austria and Germany, we too organized many concerts in Pazin, thus enabling our guest choirs to visit us and perform their music in our city.

There are two more years significant for our choir; 1987. when our first LP and music cassette was edited, and 1997. when we ware invited to take part in a theater piece as active actors and singers.

All Choir members (55) are amateurs, comeing from Pazin and other small cities and villages near Pazin. They are clerks, workers, engineers, retired persons and students, having al in common love for music and a will to have and share good time within a good company

Read MoreAdded: 21.02.2009 06:25
Last Modified: 21.02.2009 06:34

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Istra (Istria) - Town Fairs

Istra (Istria) - Town FairsIstra (Istria) has a centuries-old tradition of trade fairs which Istrian towns keep alive. Fairs are places where people trade, meet, communicate, have fun as always…

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