Saturday, 29. March 2025 :: 04:16
Croatian National Tourist Board
Association of Croatian Travel Agencies
Istria Tourist Board
Istrian Quality
Region of Istria


24.4.2014. - 26.4.2014.

6th ETNOFILm FESTIVALScreenings will be held at the Multimedia centre, as well as the concert programe, exhibition in Centre for visual arts Batana and special programe Italian ethnographic movie in Theatre Gandusio. All films have Croatian and English subtitles. All sceenings are free of charge.

22.-24.4.Visual Antropology Workshop


18:00 Exhibition Opening –“From Home To Jerusalem”, Centre for Visual Arts Batana


11:00 Nyarma / Edgar Bertenev / Russia / 42min
12:00Earth’s children / Diego Sarmiento / Peru / 14min

13:00 When I was a boy, I was a girl! / Ivana Todorović / Srbija / 30min
13:45I don’t touch the gold/ Paulina Pisarek / Poland, France / 55min

16:00 Italian Ethographic Movie, Theatre Gandusio
Piccola Terra, 55 min, Michele Trentini/ author participating

17:30 Visual Antropology Workshop work presentation, Museum of City of Rovinj

19:00 Official festival opening
19:15 Framing the other / Kok and Willem Timmers / Netherlands / 24min
Last pioneers / Daniela Rodriguez / Slovenia / 11min

21:00 I sign, I live, Netherlands, 59 min
22:00Valley of sighs / Miahai Leaha, Lulia Hossu, Andrei Crisan/ Romania / 57 min

23:00 Cinema bar – welcome party

25.4. FRIDAY

11:00Promotion of book “Others on film” by Etami Borjan, Multimedia Centre

12:30 Quarantore of Komiža / Davor Borić / Croatia / 37min
13:30St. Patrick’s Import Export / Marko Dimić / Croatia / 25min

14:30 Songs for museum/ Eliza Zdru / Romania / 63min
15:45Gypsy King of Dubica / Aleksej / Croatia / 30min

16:30 Italian Etnographic Movie, Theatre Gandusio
La taranta
Un giorno in Barbagia
Director of Festival dei popoli Firenze Alberto Lastrucci presents the films

18:00 The Settlers – Our New Armed Neiughbours/ Barbara Babačić / Croatia / 64 min
19:30 A Letter to Mohamed / Christine Moderbacher / Blgium / 35min
21:00 Phantomes of Lovanium / Ccil Michel / Belgium / 50min
22:00Ameer got his gun / Naomi Levari & Saar Yogev / Israel / 58min

23:00 Art Public Bar – party


11:00 So close to silence/ Arlindo Horta / Portugal / 72min
13:00 Mula, Roots Binded Together / Sabina Mikelić / Croatia / 26 min
13:45 Bread for birds / Aleksandra Strelyanaya / Russia / 26min
15:00-17:00Masterclass, Arnd Schneider “Experimental Film, Visual Arts and Anthropology”

17:30 O Fisherman, my old Man/ Amaya Sumpsi / Portugal / 60min
19:00 Sea Boundary / Rossella Schillacci / Italy / 55min
20:15Man of nature and me / Orsouma Veraart / Norway / 37min

Concert:Čipkice, Multimedia centre

22.00 Closing party
DJ D-GREE (Founke Nastay)
La Concha

Read MoreAdded: 23.04.2014 21:41
Last Modified: 23.04.2014 22:20

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Istra (Istria) - Town Fairs

Istra (Istria) - Town FairsIstra (Istria) has a centuries-old tradition of trade fairs which Istrian towns keep alive. Fairs are places where people trade, meet, communicate, have fun as always…

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