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Croatian National Tourist Board
Association of Croatian Travel Agencies
Istria Tourist Board
Istrian Quality
Region of Istria

Concert: LA SCANA DEL DOMINGO @ Pazin, Istria

Friday, 14.8.2009.Pazin

Concert: LA SCANA DEL DOMINGO @ Pazin, IstriaLa Scana del Domingo: Pazin castle
Concert of ska fusion band from France
Organizer: PRO Music Pazin

La Scana del Domingo (Chilean slang, which can be roughly translated by "Sunday hangover" in English), a French group from the suburbs of Paris, has been around since 2000. They have played more than 300 times in France, Belgium and Switzerland. The six guys' music is mainly instrumental and they are always ready for improvisation. All six of them give everything they have got on stage. Each musician has his own influences and this mixing of styles gives rise to a kind of music that fits into no category: rock tainted with ska, with the soul of a Balkan brass band and of the bandas of the Basque country, in South-West France, and with a banjo-based country style. Their second and latest album, "Tordu de travers", has been available since June 2006, only in France, Belgium and Luxembourg for now. But you can order it on the Internet or directly through us. Their first album, "Un bruit absurde court dans le quartier" (2004), is sold out and free to download of the band's website

Read MoreAdded: 07.07.2009 11:49
Last Modified: 13.08.2009 15:19

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Istra (Istria) - Town Fairs

Istra (Istria) - Town FairsIstra (Istria) has a centuries-old tradition of trade fairs which Istrian towns keep alive. Fairs are places where people trade, meet, communicate, have fun as always…

Bale, Barban – 2nd Saturday
Buzet – 1st Friday and 3rd Thursday
Labin – 3rd Wednsday
Motovun – 3rd Monday
Pazin – 1st Tuesday
Svetvinčenat – 3rd Saturday
Višnjan - 1st Thursday
Vodnjan – 1st Saturday
Žminj - 2nd Wednesday and St. Bartol's Fair – last Saturday in August
Pula – every Saturday in Ciscutti St. the fair of antiquities, numismatics and collectibles
Tel:+385 51 272 222
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