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Croatian National Tourist Board
Association of Croatian Travel Agencies
Istria Tourist Board
Istrian Quality
Region of Istria

Rovinj's Night

28.8.2009. - 29.8.2009.Rovinj

Rovinj's NightRovinj's night, is a traditional event organized by the Tourist Association of Rovinj, under the auspices of the City of Rovinj. This event with a long tradition has for many years been held at the end of August. This year the Tourist Association of Rovinj for all guests and citizens of Rovinj prepared an attractive musical program - a sort of music treat for all music lovers.
The theme of the first day of Rovinian nights, which will take place on Friday August 28th starting at 20.00h, is the fishing tradition. During the evening visitors will be able to listen to Klapa Bonaca and the bend Le Monde in the Marshal Tito Square. At the same time in the Riviera Square Batana folk band, band Prijatelji, Party band, and KUD Marco Garbin will perform, while at the attractive location in the street Grisia performance of Klapa Sveti Petar will take place. A distinctive feature of this Evening of fishing tradition is now traditional launch of one of the three batanas which were renovated during the summer months, and whose restoration all visitors and citizens of Rovinj could watch live in the evenings. All three batanas are named after the cities with which the town of Rovinj signed the Twinning Charter. The first batana was already launched on July 26th, 2009. The owner of the aforementioned batana is Rovinian Sbisá Angelo, and is named Adria. Batana of the Rovinian fishermen Zovich Riccardo named Camaiore will be launched on August 28th. The third and the last batana, batana Leonberg, will be launched during the Forum of Mediterranean Maritime Museums, which will be held in Rovinj from 21/09 – 23/09/2009.

On the second day of Rovinian nights, August 29th starting at 21.00h in the Marshal Tito Square bends Music Knights feat. Tasha and the Dream Project will perform. At the same time in the Riviera Square performance of Gato & Riccardo Bosazzi Quartet, bend Anelidi and Vesna Nežić Ružić and the bend Big Wave will take place.

At 23.00 hours the entertainment program will briefly stop, because of wide famous and the most spectacular fireworks on the Adriatic- a trademark of the Rovinian night event. After the fireworks on the main city square, visitors can enjoy the unforgettable hits like "Every time you go away" and "Come Back and Stay" of legendary mega popular Paul Young & Banda.

Added: 26.08.2009 22:36
Last Modified: 29.08.2009 13:23

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Istra (Istria) - Town Fairs

Istra (Istria) - Town FairsIstra (Istria) has a centuries-old tradition of trade fairs which Istrian towns keep alive. Fairs are places where people trade, meet, communicate, have fun as always…

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Žminj - 2nd Wednesday and St. Bartol's Fair – last Saturday in August
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