Saturday, 29. March 2025 :: 05:17
Croatian National Tourist Board
Association of Croatian Travel Agencies
Istria Tourist Board
Istrian Quality
Region of Istria

Seasplash presents: CIRKUS & PAPRIKA CORPS @ Monteparadiso

Saturday, 14.3.2009.Ex -barracks Karlo Rojc, Pula

Seasplash presents: CIRKUS & PAPRIKA CORPS @ MonteparadisoCIRCUS - Porec, Istra ( Istria ), Croatia
Susko - vocals; Villa - guitar; Luke - guitar; Sikman - bass guitar; Fredi - drums, vocals, Mark - trombone, vocals; George - alto Sax; Pajo - Legend

Paprika Korps is an alternative heavy reggae band from Poland and among the hardest touring polish bands, domestic as well as abroad. Their touringlist over the last years contains gigs in over 25 countries.This heavy touring schedule has earned the band the nickname "The Heavy Reggae Travellers". The music has been described as an interesting combo of reggae, dub and punk. One journalist wrote: "...heavy roots rockers style, reggae vibe without compromise, warrior directions, not sunshine..."
Band members: Chomik (reggae guitar, vocals), Pejterzyna (keyboards, vocals, melodika), Dziku (lead guitar), Przecier (bass guitar), King Brodawa (drums) and Beret (sound)
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+ DJ KOVACH (Pula) , Istra ( Istria ) Croatia

Added: 01.03.2009 23:34
Last Modified: 08.03.2009 08:35

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Istra (Istria) - Town Fairs

Istra (Istria) - Town FairsIstra (Istria) has a centuries-old tradition of trade fairs which Istrian towns keep alive. Fairs are places where people trade, meet, communicate, have fun as always…

Bale, Barban – 2nd Saturday
Buzet – 1st Friday and 3rd Thursday
Labin – 3rd Wednsday
Motovun – 3rd Monday
Pazin – 1st Tuesday
Svetvinčenat – 3rd Saturday
Višnjan - 1st Thursday
Vodnjan – 1st Saturday
Žminj - 2nd Wednesday and St. Bartol's Fair – last Saturday in August
Pula – every Saturday in Ciscutti St. the fair of antiquities, numismatics and collectibles
Tel:+385 51 272 222
Fax:+385 51 740 027
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