Friday, 28. March 2025 :: 21:31
Croatian National Tourist Board
Association of Croatian Travel Agencies
Istria Tourist Board
Istrian Quality
Region of Istria

The Glagolitic alphabet

The Glagolitic alphabet or Glagoljica is the oldest known Slavonic alphabet, used for more than a thousand years. It has around 40 letters, depending on variant. Croats in Primorje and Istria were the most committed to Glagoljica, especially in Roc and Hum. Oldest records in Istria are Plomin’s carving from 11th cent, Grdoselski fragment from the 12th cent and Hum’s graffiti from the 13th century.
The 7 km long alley of Glagols, which follows the road to Hum, has a series of stone monuments that are dedicated to the history of Glagolithics.
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