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Turistička zajednica Istarske županije
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Istarska županija

2016 EACPT Focus Meeting

6.10.2016. - 9.10.2016.Hotel Milenij, Opatija

2016 EACPT Focus MeetingThe next EACPT Focus Meeting will be held from 6th to 9th October, 2016 in partnership with the Croatian Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

The theme of the meeting is “How to Assess Medicines from Research to Clinical Practice? Efficacy, Effectiveness, and Economic – 3E Assessment”. The main objectives of this Focus Meeting are to increase awareness, knowledge and use of critical assessment pillars for medicinal products in everyday clinical practice in order to improve healthcare outcomes in affordable manner.

We will be guests in the Adriatic coastal town Opatija, Croatia. Opatija lies at the centre of the Kvarner Riviera with the longest tradition of providing quality conference venues in Croatia.

Opatija’s very attractive geographic location, lush green scenery and a pleasant climate (45° 20’ north latitude) were some of the main reasons for its origins and the rapid development of its tourism from the end of the 19th century. The venue – Grand Hotel 4 Opatijska Cvijeta – is located in the very centre of Opatija and includes four buildings that were named after Opatija’s best-known flowers.

opširnijeDodano: 31.08.2016 12:57
Zadnja izmjena: 31.08.2016 13:03

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