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Hrvatska turistička zajednica
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Turistička zajednica Istarske županije
Istarska kvaliteta
Istarska županija

ENDA 14. kongres medicinskih sestara

ENDA 14. kongres medicinskih sestaraIt gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to join us at the next ENDA congress to be held in Opatija from 12th - 14th October 2017.

The motto of the Congress - Nursing: build it, live it, share it indicates the past, present and future role of nurse leader/manager as a strong factor of the nursing profession development.

We are very excited to host this important congress in Croatia. We hope to follow the successful footsteps of previous ENDA congresses. The program committee is planning a scientifically significant program ranging from nursing management topic, the topics on nursing ethics, globalization in nursing, to completely new and innovative congress presentation method “Iginite talks”. At the end of this Congress, we hope for attendees to gain the most up-to date information available about nursing management.

The members of the local organizing committee are very proud to host ENDA congress and look forward to welcoming you to our beautiful Opatija and Croatia. Opatija and it environment is an amazing place to visit. Croatian seaside, the magnificent city of Opatija, Istria or Plitvice lakes (UNESCO heritage) has many diverse interests for visitors. The short distance to 5 airports guarantees easy access to Opatija. The congress promises to be highly rewarding on a social, as well as on an intellectual basis.

We are kindly asking you to mark your calendar for 12th - 14th October 2017, so that you may join us in what we hope to be a fantastic congress.

opširnijeDodano: 31.08.2016 13:48
Zadnja izmjena: 31.08.2016 13:51

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